
Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 2019 Fourth Thursday Meeting

Tonight's meeting was the best! We continue to have great fun and a nice big group. Thanks so much, everyone.

Mira, Donna, Jerry, Don, Jamie, Mario, Mari, Pat
Stephen, William, Lisa, Madeleine

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gateway Villa August Luau

We were once again invited to Gateway Villa and Gateway Gardens Assisted Living for their August Luau. We had a lovely time entertaining the folks, it was a great experience!

Cherie, Vicki, Kuniyo, Don, Pat
Virginia, Lisa, Donna, Jerry

Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 2019 Second Thursday Meeting

This evening's meeting was lovely as usual! We are getting some younger guests joining us and hope they will continue to liven up the party. Hint; sometimes there's dinner and *sometimes* ice cream involved. 

Don, Stephen, Jerry, Donna, Kuniyo
William, Mario, Virginia, Elizabeth
Mari, Mira, Lisa, Madeleine