
Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 2019 Fourth Thursday Meeting

We're getting pretty good at the songs in the current songbook, so it's time to add a couple of new songs just to keep things interesting! Our long-time member Amber was able to rejoin us this meeting. Thanks to our special guest Madeleine, we have so much fun when you join us.

Mario, William, Patrick, Kay, Don, Amber, Mira, Lewis, Elizabeth
Lisa, Madeleine, Stephen, Virginia

Thursday, April 11, 2019

April 2019 Second Thursday Meeting

We've been doing so well the last few months, and have increased our average number of members. It's so nice we didn't scare off our new member Kay last month, although I'm sure it was a close thing!

Lewis, Elizabeth, Kay, Kuniyo, Jerry, Mira, Donna, Don, William, Mario
Stephen, Virgina, Lisa

One of our members, (not naming names, Elizabeth),
thought it would be a good idea to shun...ourselves.